Fylde Coast Muzzle Loaders Society - A Society Dedicated to the Preservation and Use of Black Powder Firearms Fylde Coast Muzzle Loaders Society - A Society Dedicated to the Preservation and Use of Black Powder Firearms
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The Fun Shoot

Magazine Rifle
Single Shot Rifle
Advancing Frenchmen
Advancing Afghans
The Treasurer's Sporran
Flintlock Frenchmen
Polo Mint

Magazine Rifle

For any magazine breech-loading rifle (maximum of 10 rounds capacity).

Starting from fully loaded, 10 rounds snap (at turning targets) in five 5-second exposures (5 on 5 off), using a standard target.

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Single Shot Rifle

For any single shot breech-loading rifle (or magazine breech-loading rifle used as single shot i.e. not using the magazine).

Starting from loaded (with a single round), 10 rounds snap (at turning targets) in five 10-second exposures (10 on 5 off), using a standard target.

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Advancing Frenchmen

For any single shot muzzle loading rifle, pistol or musket (no revolvers or multi-barrelled weapons, no double loading or multiple projectiles i.e. single ball or bullet).

Muzzle loading paper cartridges may be used.

Starting from loaded (percussion weapons to be capped off prior to loading). Five minutes rapid fire at half-size MLAGB advancing Frenchmen targets.

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Advancing Afghans

For any single shot smoothbore weapon or rifled pistol only (no revolvers or multi-barrelled weapons, no double loading or multiple projectiles i.e. single ball or bullet).

Muzzle loading paper cartridges may be used.

Starting from loaded (percussion weapons to be capped off prior to loading). Five minutes rapid fire at custom-made Tribesman targets.

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For revolvers only (no multi-barrelled weapons, no double loading or multiple projectiles i.e. single ball or bullet).

Starting from loaded (percussion weapons to be capped off prior to loading). Six shots to be fired during eight target exposures of custom-made Cowboy targets. Length of exposures and interval between exposures will be varied.

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For underlever rifles only.

Starting from loaded. As many shots as possible to be fired during a random number of target exposures of custom-made Red Indian targets. Length of exposures and interval between exposures will be varied.

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For any military-type cartridge rifle such as the SMLE, K98, Dragunov etc. (single shot weapons will be at a disadvantage, but are allowed).

Five shots to be fired during six target exposures. Length of exposures and interval between exposures will be varied.

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The Treasurer's Sporran

For any weapon, but breech loading weapons will be squadded and scored separately to muzzle loaders.

The purpose is to cut the string holding the hardboard padlock, not to shoot at the padlock itself.

A yellow aiming mark is provided, across which the string will pass.

The shooter must raise their hand to indicate that they have released their padlock, so that the time may be recorded.

The fastest to cut the string and drop the padlock will win.

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Flintlock Frenchmen

For any flintlock pistol or musket (no revolvers or multi-barrelled weapons, no double loading or multiple projectiles i.e. single ball or bullet). Muzzle loading paper cartridges may be used.

Starting from loaded. Five minutes rapid fire at half-size MLAGB advancing Frenchmen targets.

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Polo Mint

For any weapon (muzzle-loaders are slower but have a bullet size advantage).

The purpose is to break the Polo mint which is fixed to the centre of the target.

The shooter must raise their hand to indicate that they have suceeded, so that the time may be recorded.

The fastest to break the mint will win.

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